EOS主网启动在即,CoinDesk 采访了 EOS Asia 和 EOS NY 关于主网主网上线时会遇到的很多问题,包括假的主网、bug,并对相关细节进行了报道。
本文翻译自HelloEOS和IMEOS,原文地址:https://www.coindesk.com/eos-blockchain-launch-happen-go-wrong/?from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0原文翻译The world's fifth most valuable cryptocurrency is set to formally release its software this weekend.全球市值第五的数字资产即将于本周末发布其软件的1.0版本。
First announced in 2017, the EOS project has been fundraising for nearly a year, raising a reported$4 billionin what many are claiming is the largest amount ever collected by a team creating a custom cryptocurrency. As such, the launch, expected for Saturday, has come with no shortage of hype.自2017年面市以来,EOS项目众筹已进行了近一年的时间,金额达到40亿美元,据称是数字资产史上最大规模的众筹。
The fervor around the unveiling is, in part, due to the diverse discussions long surrounding the project. As detailed by CoinDesk, EOS has long been a target of criticism for itsvisionandexecution, though it has attracted advocates who believe itoffers a decentralized alternativeto the cloud hosting services that currently dominate the lucrative market for data storage.公众对主网揭幕展现出的热情多多少少是受到长久以来对本项目众说纷纭的讨论的影响。
据新闻资源网Coindesk所述,即便EOS吸引了大量拥护者,但是 长久以来因为其愿景与执行规划而招致非议。
With public trading for the cryptocurrency already well underway, all eyes are likely to be on the markets, in addition to technology forums, where token holders are already queuing up with questions related to trading, token registration, airdrops and wallet compatibility.由于EOS已经可以公开交易,几乎所有人的注意力都集中在交易市场和技术社区两方面。
Clarity has been hard to come by, something that hasn't been helped by a lack of dialogue from those who have been most publicly associated with the project.针对这些疑问尚没有清晰完整的解释,究其根本是因为项目的直接相关人与大众缺乏有效对话。
Nevertheless, the upcoming launch process is not wholly mysterious.Most notably, the launch will begin 23 hours after the protocol's publisher, Block.one, makes the code available as open-source software. The release of the code, however, will be the extent of Block.one's involvement in the launch.尽管如此,即将到来的主网启动并不完全是神秘的。
From there, a community of aspiring block producers -- various entities competing to act as validators in the network's delegated proof-of-stake system (dPOS) -- will subsequently pick up the baton as part of an elaborate process that appears unorthodox, even in the evolving world of new blockchain technologies.至此,一个有抱负的节点社区——多个机构竞相充当主网授权证明系统(DPOS)的验证者——随后将接过接力棒参与到这个复杂的启动过程中,即使在不断发展革新的区块链技术领域这个过程也显得有些异端。
启动?不同凡响Upon the software's release, this group of block producers --which includes an unknown set of exchanges, crypto mining operations, consultancies and others -- will first take a "snapshot" of the EOS tokens (represented on the ethereum blockchain, used for fundraising) to determine the quantity of EOS tokens that must migrate to users EOS wallets.软件发布在即,这群包含了交易所、矿场、咨询公司以及其他形形色色的人员和团体的节点们,即将首次拍摄EOS 代币(基于以太链,用于筹款)“快照”,从而确定必须迁移到用户EOS钱包的EOS 代币数量。
For users who have bought EOS tokens, this merely means that the block producers will verify that the bala**8nce of tokens at their new EOS address is the same as the previous balance of EOS tokens at their ethereum address.对于已经购买EOS 代币的用户来说,这仅仅意味着节点们将要验证新的EOS地址上的代币余额与先前在以太链地址上的代币余额是否一致。
According toBlock.one, EOS token holders can ensure that their tokens transfer by registering their ethereum addresses prior to June 2.Upon the completion of the token verification process, a limited number of block producers will be appointed to test the blockchain prior to making it available to the public.按照Block.one的说法,EOS持有人可以在6月2日前对自己的以太地址进行注册,从而确保他们的EOS代币能够完成转账。
"What we're going to do is launch the mainnet together as a group, but we're going to freeze it so that no [token] transfers can happen yet, " Dafeng Guo, co-founder of EOS Asia, a developer consortium specialized in the EOS blockchain, told CoinDesk.“我们所要做的是以团队形式来启动主网,但我们会暂时冻结主网,以避免此时产生任何代币转账行为。
(注:郭达峰是 EOS Asia的联合创始人,而EOS Asia 是一个专注 EOS 区块链的开发者团队。
)He added that the block producers will then "clone the chain" and complete a "bunch of testing on it" to ensure that its smart contract, voting and multi-sig wallet functionalities work. According to astatementcirculated by multiple block producer candidates, third parties will also be able to test the network at that time.他还补充说,在那之后节点们会克隆这个主链,然后完成一系列的测试以保证它的智能合约、投票功能以及多重签名钱包功能的正常运转。
Once the block producers conclude their tests, the network will be available to token holders, however they will still be unable to carry out token transfers.一旦节点们完成这一系列测试,主网将对持币者们开放,然而此时依然不能进行代币转账。
The protocol's consensus system (delegated proof-of-stake) requires users to first select block producers by voting, which is carried out by 'staking' tokens. Users with more tokens have more influence in the election of block producers than those with fewer tokens, and 15 percent of the network's total tokens must be staked in order for users to kick-off token transferal.这份协议的共识系统(DPOS)需要用户先绑定持有的EOS代币来参与节点投票。
The voting process is one anticipated pain point of the launch. AsCoinDeskhas previously reported, there has been widespread confusion within the community as to how to vote and user-friendly interfaces are few and far in between. Programming-literate token holders can vote via a command line interface, but less tech-savvy users will likely have to rely on crowdfunded projects likeEOS Portal.投票过程是主网启动的一个预期痛点。
有编程背景的代币持有人可以通过命令行界面进行投票,但是那些不太懂技术的用户可能需要依赖EOS Portal之类的众筹项目。
"If we can't vote, then we can't activate the chain," Kevin Rose, co-founder and head of community at block producer candidate EOS New York, told CoinDesk.Kevin Rose是候选节点EOS New York的联合创始人以及核心成员,他对CoinDesk说:“如果不能投票,就无法激活主链”。
According to Guo and Rose, the period of time between the protocol's launch on mainnet to the conclusion of testing could be hours or days. The voting process is likely to add additional time.根据郭达峰和Kevin Rose所说,在主网协议启动之后,测试结果需要数小时或数天才能得出。
In other words, it is unlikely that the EOS blockchain will launch on mainnet, become public and allow users to undertake transfers all on the same day.换句话说,EOS区块链不太可能在主网上线当天就同步对外开放网站并允许用户进行代币交易。
漏洞?谁也说不准Another potential roadblock to the full activation of the chain is vulnerability in the code.完全激活公链的另一个潜在阻碍是代码中存在的漏洞。
Earlier this week, major China-based internet security firm Qihoo 360informedBlock.one that the protocol had a "series of epic vulnerabilities" that made its nodes susceptible to attackers. Developers fixed the bug on the same day, and Block.one CTO Daniel Larimer subsequently announced a 'bug bounty' onTwitter, offering $10,000 for major finds.本周早些时候,中国领先的互联网安全企业奇虎360告知Block.one,他们发现EOS协议中有“一系列史诗级漏洞”,节点易受攻击。
开发人员在当天就修复了上述漏洞,Block.one首席技术官Daniel Larimer(BM)随后在推特上发布 “漏洞赏金”悬赏公告,提供有价值的漏洞的用户将会获得1万美金的奖励。
Guo predicted that other bugs will crop up after the launch, and said he was happy that Qihoo 360 is reviewing the EOS code.Guo predicted that other bugs will crop up after the launch, and said he was happy that Qihoo 360 is reviewing the EOS code.郭达峰预计主网启动后还将发现其他漏洞,同时他也表示很高兴奇虎360正在核查EOS代码。
"I anticipate that there might be more vulnerabilities being discovered and patched in the first one or two weeks after the code is frozen," he said, adding that the severity of the issues, and hence their effect on the network, could vary. "It could be a very easy patch or it could be a harder to fix type of problem," he explained.“我认为可能会出现更多的漏洞,在代码冻结后的一到两周内将对其进行修复”,他补充道这些问题的严重性以及对网络产生的影响可能千差万别。
Still, Kyle Samani, managing partner at crypto investment fund and EOS investor Multicoin Capital, downplayed the potential for bugs to disrupt the launch.不过加密货币投资基金和EOS投资人Multicoin Capital公司的主理合伙人Kyle Samani对那些可能影响主网启动的潜在漏洞持乐观态度。
"That's par for the course for any system of this scale," he said of Qihoo 360's discovery. "If you look at the history of these systems, like ethereum 1.0 when it was launched, it's amazing that the thing even worked. It was really held together with duct tape. And if you look at bitcoin in its early days, it's the same thing. It's always going to be a little bit rough, but overall things are trending in a very good direction."他谈到奇虎360的发现时表示,“对于这种规模的系统来说,存在漏洞是不可避免的。