《中欧全面投资协定》主要条款(全文)(欧中投资协定 新华网)
Key elements of the EU-China ComprehensiveAgreement on Investment欧盟-中国全面投资协定的主要内容(CAI)The cumulative EU foreign direct investment(FDI) flows from the EU to China over the last 20 years have reached more than 140 billion. For Chinese FDI into the EU the figure is almost 120 billion. EU FDI in China remains relatively modest with respect to the size and the potential of the Chinese economy.在过去的20年里,欧盟对中国的外国直接投资(FDI)累计达到1400多亿欧元。
As regards investment, the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) will be the most ambitious agreement that China has ever concluded with a third country. In addition torules against the forced transfer of technologies, CAI will also be the first agreement to deliver on obligations for the behavior of state-owned enterprises, comprehensive transparency rules for subsidies and commitments related to sustainable development.在投资方面,欧盟-中国全面投资协定(CAI)将是有史以来中国与第三国签订的最雄心勃勃的协定。
The CAI will ensure that EU investors achieve better access to a fast growing 1.4 billion consumer market, and thatthey compete on a better level playing field in China. This is important forthe global competitiveness and the future growth of EU industry.CAI将确保欧盟投资者更好地进入快速增长的14亿消费者市场,并确保他们在中国有更好的公平竞争环境。
Ambitious opening by China to Europeaninvestments中国向欧洲投资开放的雄心Firstly, the CAI binds China's liberalisation of investments over the last 20 years and, in that way, it prevents backsliding. This makes the conditions of market access for EU companies clear and independent of China's internal policies. It also allowsthe EU to resort to the dispute resolution mechanism in CAI in case of breach of commitments.首先,CAI巩固了中国过去20年投资自由化的成就,并以此防止倒退。
In addition, the EU has negotiated furtherand new market access openings and commitments such as the elimination of quantitative restrictions, equity caps or joint venture requirements in a number of sectors. These are restrictions that severely hamper the activities of our companies in China. The overall package is far more ambitious than what China has committed to before.此外,欧盟还谈判达成了进一步的、新的市场开放和准入承诺,如取消一些行业的数量限制、股权上限或合资要求。
On the EU side, the market is already openand largely committed for services sectors under the General Agreement on Tradein Services (GATS). EU sensitivities, such as in the field of energy, agriculture, fisheries, audio-visual, public services, etc. are all preserved in CAI.欧盟方面,根据《服务贸易总协定》(GATS),市场已经开放,并在很大程度上对服务行业做出了承诺。
Examples of market access commitments by China:中国市场准入承诺的例子Manufacturing: China has made comprehensive commitments with only very limited exclusions (in particular, in sectors withsignificant overcapacity). In terms of the level of ambition, this would matchthe EU's openness. Roughly half of EU FDI is in the manufacturing sector (e.g.transport and telecommunication equipment, chemicals, health equipment etc.). China has not made such far-reaching market access commitments with any other partner.制造业:中国已经做出了全面的承诺,只排除了非常有限的行业(特别是在产能严重过剩的行业)。
Automotive sector: China has agreed to remove and phase out joint venture requirements. China will commit market access for new energy vehicles.汽车部门:中国已同意取消并逐步取消合资企业的要求。
Financial services: China had already started the process of gradually liberalising the financial services sector and will grant and commit to keep that opening to EU investors. Joint venture requirements and foreign equity caps have been removed for banking, trading insecurities and insurance (including reinsurance), as well as asset management.金融服务业:中国已经开始渐进放开金融服务业的市场化进程,并将同意并承诺保持对欧盟投资者的开放。
Health (private hospitals): China will offer new market opening by lifting joint venture requirements for private hospitals in key Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjian, Guangzhou and Shenzhen .健康(民营医院):中国将开放新的市场,在北京、上海、天津、广州和深圳等重点城市取消民营医院的合资要求。
R&D (biological resources): China has not previously committed openness to foreign investment in R&D inbiological resources. China has agreed not to introduce new restrictions and to give to the EU any lifting of current restrictions in this area that may happen in the future.研发(生物资源):中国在生物资源研发领域从未对外资开放。
Telecommunication/Cloud services: China has agreed to lift the investment ban for cloud services. They will now be open to EU investors subject to a 50% equity cap.电信/云服务:中国已同意取消对云服务的投资禁令。
Computer services: China has agreed to bind market access for computer services - a significant improvement from thecurrent situation. Also, China will include a ‘technology neutrality' clause, which would ensure that equity caps imposed for value-added telecom services will not be applied to other services such as financial, logistics, medicaletc. if offered online.计算机服务:中国已同意限制(收紧)计算机服务的市场准入,这比目前的情况有了很大的改善。
International maritime transport: China will allow investment in the relevant land-based auxiliary activities, enabling EU companies to invest without restriction in cargo-handling, container depotsand stations, maritime agencies, etc. This will allow EU companies to organisea full range of multi-modal door-to-door transport, including the domestic legof international maritime transport.国际海运:中方将允许对相关陆基辅助活动进行投资,使欧盟企业在货物装卸、集装箱堆场和码头、海事机构等方面的投资不受限制。
Air transport-related services: While the CAI does not address traffic rights because they are subject to separateaviation agreements, China will open up in the key areas of computer reservation systems, ground handling and selling and marketing services. China has alsoremoved its minimum capital requirement for rental and leasing of aircraft without crew, going beyond GATS.航空运输相关服务: 虽然CAI没有涉及交通权,因为它们受单独的航空协议的约束,但中国将开放计算机预订系统、地面处理和销售和营销服务等关键领域。
Business services: China will eliminate joint venture requirements in real estate services, rental and leasing services, repair and maintenance for transport, advertising, market research, management consulting and translation services, etc.商业服务:中国将取消在房地产服务、租赁服务、交通维修、广告、市场调查、管理咨询和翻译服务等方面的合资要求。
Environmental services: China will remove joint venture requirements in environmental services such as sewage, noiseabatement, solid waste disposal, cleaning of exhaust gases, nature and landscape protection, sanitations and other environmental services.环境服务:中国将取消环境服务方面的合资要求,如污水处理、噪音消减、固体废物处理、废气净化、自然和景观保护、卫生和其他环境服务。
Construction services: China will eliminate the project limitations currently reserved in their GATS commitments.建设服务:中国将取消目前在其《服务贸易总协定》承诺中保留的项目限制。
Employees of EU investors: Managers and specialists of EU companies will be allowed to work up to three years inChinese subsidiaries, without restrictions such as labour market tests orquotas. Representatives of EU investors will be allowed to visit freely prior to making an investment.欧盟投资者的雇员:欧盟企业的经理和专家将被允许在中国子公司工作至多3年,不受劳动力市场测试或配额等限制。
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